a little bit about us

Our Story

in 2018,

our home church, Victory Church in Ruffin, North Carolina, experienced the birth of something truly extraordinary: our very own praise team. At the time, we couldn't have possibly foreseen the beautiful journey that awaited us. As time unfolded, it became clear that this was a special, divinely orchestrated moment in our lives.

Out of the genuine desire to serve our Heavenly Father and uplift our congregation, Declaration Worship emerged from the foundation of that praise team. Our emphasis has always been on unity in the Family of God. We cherish the notion that we are all part of something greater than ourselves, and as such, we don't seek the spotlight or individual recognition.

Feel free to reach out to us as individuals and get to know the unique stories that each of us carries. Within these stories, you'll discover incredible narratives of victory in Christ, experiences of His boundless mercy and grace, and the ongoing spiritual battles and challenges we navigate daily. These are the testimonies of overcomers, and they reflect the profound impact of our faith.

Our Mission is Clear:

to uplift and declare the name that stands above all names—Jesus. Through His sacrifice, our stories have been washed clean by His precious blood. When God looks upon our history, He sees the story of His Son.

Our greatest desire is for you to realize that whatever trials you may be facing, they must ultimately bow before the mighty name of Jesus.

Contact us.

If you ever find yourself in need of prayer or support, we would be deeply honored to pray for you. Simply use the form below to share your prayer requests, and rest assured, we will fervently pray on your behalf. You are not alone in this journey of faith; we are here to stand with you.