The Legacy Project Volume II


I remember it as if it were yesterday, going to church on snowy Sunday mornings in Boone, North Carolina – My daddy, Tim, was the pastor at a little country church that could barely hold 100 people (and that’s being generous). I can still hear those creaky wood floors and see my Pawpaw Greene playing the piano and my uncle Tony leading the choir with the biggest smile on his face, and my Daddy there on that pulpit preaching the Word of God. I have so many fond memories there, with my family and our dear friends.

As a child, I was petrified to sing by-myself, but that would never phase my Uncle Tony. Everywhere they would travel and sing, he would call me on stage and ask me to sing, “Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.” I always said I would never be able to sing in public because of the nerves from all those impromptu performances. Fast forward to 2014, when I met the love of my life, Justin. He is the greatest blessing that I never knew I needed. After infinite prayer and searching for God’s direction, we began to feel that He wanted us to minister to others through music. It has been my greatest privilege to not only be able to sing with such Godly, talented singers, but to be able to honor my heritage and the Greene family legacy.

My family is so intertwined with these projects. It has been such a special experience to have my Uncle Ronnie mixing the albums, my husband Justin steering the creative outlook of what they should sound like, and my dad writing so many special songs like “When I Knelt.” My pawpaw Everette and Uncle Tony are no longer with us, but I am so thankful for the laughs, lessons, and many precious memories. We were even able to add the original vocal of Uncle Tony singing the second verse of “Beautiful Golden Somewhere” to this volume of the Legacy Project – one of my favorite songs that he and Daddy ever sang together.

This is a very special full-circle moment in my life. I get to carry on their legacy while telling others there is hope in Jesus. At the same time, I get to share a platform with my dad, husband, baby sister, and our friends in Declaration Worship. It is such an honor and privilege, and I am forever grateful.

Brittany Greene Smith

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I remember it as if it were yesterday, going to church on snowy Sunday mornings in Boone, North Carolina – My daddy, Tim, was the pastor at a little country church that could barely hold 100 people (and that’s being generous). I can still hear those creaky wood floors and see my Pawpaw Greene playing the piano and my uncle Tony leading the choir with the biggest smile on his face, and my Daddy there on that pulpit preaching the Word of God. I have so many fond memories there, with my family and our dear friends.

As a child, I was petrified to sing by-myself, but that would never phase my Uncle Tony. Everywhere they would travel and sing, he would call me on stage and ask me to sing, “Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.” I always said I would never be able to sing in public because of the nerves from all those impromptu performances. Fast forward to 2014, when I met the love of my life, Justin. He is the greatest blessing that I never knew I needed. After infinite prayer and searching for God’s direction, we began to feel that He wanted us to minister to others through music. It has been my greatest privilege to not only be able to sing with such Godly, talented singers, but to be able to honor my heritage and the Greene family legacy.

My family is so intertwined with these projects. It has been such a special experience to have my Uncle Ronnie mixing the albums, my husband Justin steering the creative outlook of what they should sound like, and my dad writing so many special songs like “When I Knelt.” My pawpaw Everette and Uncle Tony are no longer with us, but I am so thankful for the laughs, lessons, and many precious memories. We were even able to add the original vocal of Uncle Tony singing the second verse of “Beautiful Golden Somewhere” to this volume of the Legacy Project – one of my favorite songs that he and Daddy ever sang together.

This is a very special full-circle moment in my life. I get to carry on their legacy while telling others there is hope in Jesus. At the same time, I get to share a platform with my dad, husband, baby sister, and our friends in Declaration Worship. It is such an honor and privilege, and I am forever grateful.

Brittany Greene Smith

I remember it as if it were yesterday, going to church on snowy Sunday mornings in Boone, North Carolina – My daddy, Tim, was the pastor at a little country church that could barely hold 100 people (and that’s being generous). I can still hear those creaky wood floors and see my Pawpaw Greene playing the piano and my uncle Tony leading the choir with the biggest smile on his face, and my Daddy there on that pulpit preaching the Word of God. I have so many fond memories there, with my family and our dear friends.

As a child, I was petrified to sing by-myself, but that would never phase my Uncle Tony. Everywhere they would travel and sing, he would call me on stage and ask me to sing, “Thank You Lord for Your Blessings on Me.” I always said I would never be able to sing in public because of the nerves from all those impromptu performances. Fast forward to 2014, when I met the love of my life, Justin. He is the greatest blessing that I never knew I needed. After infinite prayer and searching for God’s direction, we began to feel that He wanted us to minister to others through music. It has been my greatest privilege to not only be able to sing with such Godly, talented singers, but to be able to honor my heritage and the Greene family legacy.

My family is so intertwined with these projects. It has been such a special experience to have my Uncle Ronnie mixing the albums, my husband Justin steering the creative outlook of what they should sound like, and my dad writing so many special songs like “When I Knelt.” My pawpaw Everette and Uncle Tony are no longer with us, but I am so thankful for the laughs, lessons, and many precious memories. We were even able to add the original vocal of Uncle Tony singing the second verse of “Beautiful Golden Somewhere” to this volume of the Legacy Project – one of my favorite songs that he and Daddy ever sang together.

This is a very special full-circle moment in my life. I get to carry on their legacy while telling others there is hope in Jesus. At the same time, I get to share a platform with my dad, husband, baby sister, and our friends in Declaration Worship. It is such an honor and privilege, and I am forever grateful.

Brittany Greene Smith